Concerning Colossal Amphibious Mold

More mold stuff. I think “The Last of Us” is influencing me. Which isn’t a bad thing.

These are some thoughts on how a giant mold spore would use found objects to create locomotion.

I think they will eventually become colossal roving creatures in Trea. I don’t have a name for them, but they’re herd creatures that roam through deserts to find water sources. They grow long tendrils of plants as they drink the water, and once the water is used up, they move on, slowly losing their flora & fauna as they search.

Concerning Memory

So I got covid this week. It hasn’t been the worst illness, but it definitely put the kibosh on my weekly posting.

Aside from worrying about the potential day in which diminished mental and physical wherewithal prevent my artistic ambitions, the fever made me realize I wanted to start chapter 11 for “Enter Cedar” differently.

Like, I had already nearly finished this weeks posting, but then I got Covid, and then during the height of the fever, I got the idea for this new page. Which was actually an older thought, but I never wrote it down. If I don’t write things down, they enter one of those game show “money booths” that people get inside and grab dollar bills. I might grab the idea again, but I’ll likely remember months after I’ve published the larger concept, and I’ll just need to deal with the frustration.

Concerning Shoulders and Necks

Necks and shoulders. I think I’ve mostly been drawing the greys/cousins with no necks. I haven’t really taken the time to explore it, I’ve done my best to avoid drawing them. But, I think it’s all about elongating the neck.

Perhaps the younger a gray is, the shorter their neck is. I mean, it really doesn’t matter when the entire race just genetically engineers whatever they need from their body.