Concerning Music Selections for a Medium That Is Silent

I miss doing songs with the comics. Maybe not with every page, but every episode should have a recommended song. Because Tapas Comics had a feature where you could add a song, there’s an entire Original Soundtrack for “Deep Circuitry”.

I really enjoyed that, because most of my comic projects were meant to be either live action or animated. Overall, I really miss audio. I miss the music and working with voice actors. I miss the collaboration and the spontaneity that would come with working with others.

Groph didn’t get music accompany. When I started illustrating “Groph’s Green Wizardry”, I didn’t have any music in mind. In retrospect, I think the soundtrack for “Groph’s Green Wizardry” would just be lofi.

For “Enter Cedar”, here are my initial thoughts on a recommended song accompany.

Episode 01: Smog “In the Pines”
Episode 10: Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld “Hey Hey, My My”
Episode 11: Philip Glass “Tagore-Scene II”
Episode 12: Tom Waits “Come on Up to the House”

Concerning the Black Mold Boy

On my Tapas Comic page, I have the following listed under my profile:

“Toot toot! If you’re reading this comic, all aboard the Attention Deficit Train…”

Because I can’t focus on anything. Just doing weekly pages in a single installment of the Imbibe Universe is painful. So here’s some character design for the Black Mold Boy, a character in the series “This Bitter Earth”, which is scheduled to be illustrated 5-8 series down the line.

Concerning Goals and Mantras

It’s goal setting season and I love it. New Year’s Eve and Day are arguably my favorite holidays for that purpose. It’s a time to reflect on what you’ve done and look forward to what you plan to do. I’ve been setting yearly goals since 2013. Every year’s goals get written on a small scrap of paper that I keep in my wallet.

Instead of just a list of goals, I’ve started to organize them into a mantra that I can repeat to myself. Below each section of the mantra are bullet points with the general list. So last years was “Read, Write, Draw, Work, Self, Live”, with things like comic projects listed under “Draw” or “Write”.

This year things are divided up into “Be Social, Be Grateful, Be Vulnerable, Be Productive”, with the last being reserved for comic projects. I should be able to finish “Enter Cedar” this year, which means I’m looking forward to a new project.

Chronologically, the next project is “Where the Highway Meets the Corridor”, which is “A documentary about a small Washington county bootlegging operation turns into a state wide chase to return a young alien to it’s family.” Are you noticing a theme? This particular alien is supposed to be Gray’s older sibling, the one that was driving the flying saucer that Gray was hiding out in.

But we’ll see. I might change things up. Setting goals helps with the attention issues, but sometimes you have to listen to where the attention leads you.